Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Wiki Wiki

I am very proud of myself today! I got roped into chairing a committee for accreditation, and I decided that we were going to be a virtual committee! I just created the wiki-- all of the members can edit, add new information... we can upload artifacts. And think how happy the teachers will be when they realize that they don't have to attend lots of silly meetings!
I love technology!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Another Portfolio Idea

How can I use the podcast in my students' Electronic Portfolio's? Part of the portfolio is recording their reflections throughout the year. Maybe it would be a good idea to have them Podcast their reflections... give them a name... add some sound... it might make them more enthusiastic about that segment of the portfolio.

Podcasting is more than just a voice recording!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

What is Podcasting?

A couple years ago our TRT announced that we could podcast. It sounded so exciting until I realized that he basically meant record our voices. I have used audacity with all of my classes and it is for foreign language an extremely useful tool. It is only recently however, that I really understood the idea of podcasting. I began using a podcast called where a Spanish couple talks on different themes to different language levels. This is a great resource for me as a teacher, and really makes incoorporating the podcast into a lesson more realistic. It isn't just a speaking sample anymore, it is an authentic tool for learning.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Technology as a budget-casualty

I'm sure that all of the surrounding counties are going through the same budgetary crisis that Loudoun is right now. Loudoun's Board needs to get rid of 80 million to keep the tax rate somewhat reasonable. We all sit around wondering where they will go (after they take our raises of course!). One newspaper quoted one of the board members as she was watching a Promethean demonstration as saying that we should go back to chalk. She said that she learned physics just fine without all of this technology and that chalk doesn't use electricity.

I'm not sure how to feel about that. On the one hand, the Promethean boards are certainly enhancing my classroom capabilities. But on the other, they are riddled with technical difficulties, cheap wiring that is causing numerous problems, and quite certainly half of our faculty still isn't using them. I wouldn't want to give mine up, but when the alternative is losing programs...

Will they stop the installation of these boards? Can they? Who will fight for them?

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Blog Lesson

What about a Blog about turning a current class novel into a screenplay. Different topics could be discussed and commented upon for example casting, film location, scene selection, diverging from book plot, ending. I suppose that the class could then go ahead and film the movie... or on a less involved route film a trailer for the move. Blog lesson and Video Editing in one!

What about using a wiki for the same thing?

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Spanish in the Real World Blog... stopped in tracks.

So, I decided to try and make this happen in my classes. I talked to the TRT who sent me to the correct person. I filled out a proposal and sent it off. He responded that it would take longer than a week to get approved. First of all, no outside blogs are Edublog. Second, the blogging that has been allowed has caused problems (inappropriate content?) so they are heavily scrutinizing the proposals to put blogs on our CMS software. I'm not sure what that means, but it sounds like the blog isn't going to happen...

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Politics! Spanish in the real world #2

This is actually a continuation of my post from last week. I am going to try the blog idea out for myself and see how many different scenerios I can personally come up with for finding real Spanish in my community.

I love the will i am videos that have been created for Obama and the latest is my example of Spanish in the real world. It's called We are the ones we've been waiting for... and you can view it at The other one (The Yes We Can Song) is even better, but there is only one line of Spanish. The new one has much more.

Then there's this one which is ALL in Spanish:

Of course I would never ever mention these in my Spanish classes... ... But this is real Spanish and a great example for my Spanish in the real world blog!